Weapon parts blog

Valuable information and tips for gun owners

A selection of exquisite recipes from sheep

In our blog articles we inform you about innovations in the weapons sector, furthermore you get valuable tips and information in dealing with weapons that make you even better and safer.

IOR Recon 4-28×50 IL - t.s.

IOR RECON 4-28×50 IL

IOR Recon 4-28×50 IL Connoisseurs of optical sighting devices will certainly be familiar with the company IOR – but “ordinary” end users of optics probably

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Falcon S reflex sight

The range and variety of optics has successively increased in recent years and shooters can choose from a variety of models and manufacturers. We have chosen a very specific model for this article and have taken a closer look at it – it is the “Falke S” reflex sight, from the German manufacturer Falke.

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Customer opinions about Waffentuning Gutmann


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